
As part of our Safeguarding policy we have regular training sessions for our reps and some time to time there are workshops that are available for the greater community.


Please note that we have the annual Safeguarding training (from cancelled session Nov 2022) coming up on the 25/03/2023. Please see the below poster.


Please see the latest details below.

There will be a safeguarding training session available to all volunteers and safeguarding reps.

National Training Modules for PSRs and Volunteers

Delivered by Sebastian Carro – Safeguarding Training lead for Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA)

Creating a Safe Environment (please choose 1 date to attend)

In this module we will look at how we can create a safer church environment for all those who work, volunteer and worship within our churches in our parishes.

In safeguarding children’s and adults modules we have looked at the 8 standards form the Elliot review and how these apply to safeguarding children and adults at risk.

We will in this module look at some other ways in which we can create a safe space within our church to include:

  1. Safe recruitment and the importance of a proper induction
  2. Prevention of abuse of children and adults, looking specifically at bullying and harassment, online safety, organising events and overnight accommodation.
  3. Low level concern policy for adults and the purpose of safeguarding plans
  4. Domestic abuse and your role in reporting this
  5. Mental Health including self-harm and children’s mental health
  6. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  7. Whistle Blowing and complaints

Monday 7th November 2022 at 2-4pm – online only

Monday 14th November 2022 at 6-8pm – In person

Tuesday 15th November 2022 at 3:30-5:30pm – In person.

The in person sessions will be at St Peter-in-Chains, Chequer road, Doncaster (DN1 2AA) with the option to attend via zoom (online) if unable to attend in person. If anyone would like to attend via zoom but needs help with this on their personal devices please contact Margaret/Kate and she will advise. If you can please advise if you are attending so we can advise your details to Jo or Marie.

If you would like more information from IDAS please click here

Below is the HM Government’s information on Domestic Abuse.

Sheffield Council’s DACT PowerPoint of information.