The Seven Sacraments
Baptism – is an important sacrament because of two reasons; firstly Jesus was baptized and secondly after his resurrection he told his disciples that they to should be baptized. The sacrament of Baptism is to welcome new disciples into the church. We do this for all ages from babies to adults. Baptism wipes away all sin and fills us with the divine life.
If you are thinking of having your baby, child or an adult baptised, you will need to attend a Baptism Preparation Programme. The Baptism Preparation Programme provides an opportunity for parents or adult to gain a better understanding of the sacrament of baptism.
To register, you will need to fill out a registration form. You can pick one up in the church after Mass from the Priest or assistants. Please return the form once completed.
Confirmation – The sacrament of confirmation is typically for teenage age or adult and then they are seen as full members of the church but there is no set age for Confirmation. Confirmation is normally done by the bishop or with special permission by the priest. Through this sacrament of confirmation, we say ‘yes’ to the gift of God – the Holy Spirit.
If you are thinking of receiving the sacrament of confirmation, we will give additional support and there is a preparation programme. You will need to fill out a registration form. You can pick one up in the church after Mass from the Priest or assistants. Please return the form once completed.
Reconciliation (Confession) – The sacrament of reconciliation (also known as penance) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. By undertaking this sacrament, we find God’s forgiveness. In turn we are also called to forgive others. The sacrament of reconciliation is a sacrament of healing. The word reconciliation means ‘to be at peace again’.
Confession is normally held before Saturday Vigil mass from 17:30hrs till 18:00hrs however we recommend that you contact the priest to check and book a time.
Anointing of the sick – The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick heals us spiritually. Anointing of the sick can also bring us closely to Jesus Christ. I can give us strength, courage and hope during serious illnesses, and can sometimes lead to a physical healing too – if that is God’s will. This sacrament can be received several times in a person’s life and not just a final sacrament.
The sacrament is celebrated by the laying of hands by a Priest and by anointing with oil made Holy by God’s blessing. The Church encourages us not to delay requesting the sacrament; if you know you are expecting a stay in hospital, we ask that you or your relatives to notify priest.
Matrimony (Marriage) – the sacrament of marriage is a public sign that an individual is giving themselves totally to another person. It is also seen by many as a public statement about God, because the loving union of a couple is an example of family values and God’s values.
You may approach the priest about the possibility of being married at the St Alban’s, if at least one of you is a Catholic, and if one or both of you reside in this parish and/or worship here regularly. Six months’ notice of your plans to marry is usually required to complete the necessary paperwork and to attend a marriage preparation course.
Holy Orders – Through the sacrament of holy orders, or ordination, a man vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. He promises to do this by proclaiming the Gospel and by providing to Catholics other means to achieve holiness. In order to be ordained a priest, a man must be first ordained a deacon. If you would like more information about the Holy Orders please speak to your priest.
What does it cost?
Strictly speaking: Nothing!
The sacraments are God’s freely-given gift to us and there is no fixed “charge”. However we do expect that you will wish to make a worthy offering to the Church in thanksgiving for the gift of the Sacraments. We recommend that you provide a donation for Baptisms, Confirmations and Marriages but all donation are well. Give what you can afford. But be honest with yourself – if you’re spending a lot of money on a party, entertainment and a new outfit for the occasion, please don’t simply give the Church whatever change you can find in your pockets. Let your offering be a true reflection of your gratitude to God. And, if you are a taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your offering to the church by providing your details with your donation. Please download document below.